I have a stubborn two-year-old. Yes, I know that all two-year-olds are
stubborn, but mine is stubborn even by two-year-old standards. It’s only 9:30 in the morning, and we've
already had several standoffs. I told
him not to touch Daddy’s BBQ because it gets very hot and could hurt him. He
said his toy BBQ is too hot, but Daddy’s is not too hot. I explained that he
should never climb in the washing machine or dryer because they are very
dangerous. They are for washing clothes; the bath is for washing boys. He
retorted that the bath is dangerous, not the washing machine. These are
opportunities for me to teach him boundaries. Does he understand that I
love him? Does he understand that I discipline him because I don’t want him to
get hurt?
The weather has been getting nicer, so I have
re-instituted our morning walks. There
are certain boundaries that Jack is learning he must never cross. There are
instant consequences if he runs into the street. He’s slowly learning that it’s better to
listen to Mommy, but he still has to push the boundaries. Often. I've tried turning this lesson into a
game. We play a version of red light,
green light as we walk along the sidewalk. I’m trying to make it habitual for
Jack to stop when I say “stop.” So we
walk up and down the street to stop, go, stop, go. He’s getting there, but he
still has to push the boundaries on a daily basis, make that hourly basis. Why doesn't he understand that it would be so much easier and safer if he listened to his mommy the first time? Will he someday recognize that I’m trying to keep
him safe and develop his character?
As I explained to him, once again, why we don’t walk
into other people’s yards, I was reminded of Psalm 16:6. “The boundary lines
have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”
I’m typically a rule follower, so I understand how God’s laws keep us safe.
There are very clear rules about not running into the street. If you commit
adultery, there will be a world of hurt. If you commit murder, be ready for
some instant consequences. I've watched enough stubborn people push the
boundaries and get smacked upside the head that I am content learning from
their mistakes. I also know that my son
got his stubborn streak from me, and I am just as guilty of wanting to run my
own life and take paths (as long as I feel they are safe) without listening for
I want to be the type of child who with every step
listens for my Father’s directions. Stop, don’t go that place of
self-pity today. Go, talk to that person. Stop, enjoy
this sunset. God is not trying to make me into a robot who is constrained by
harsh rules any more than I want my son to act like a trained dog who follows
my every command. God wants to give us the freedom and joy that are only found
in the path of obedience. Psalm 16
I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even
at night my heart instructs me. I have set the LORD always before me. Because
he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my
tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me
to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay. You have made known to
me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal
pleasures at your right hand.
Joy, security, life, pleasures.
I am only just beginning to learn how delightful our inheritance is. Will I continue to listen
and lean into those pleasant boundaries?