Monday, October 13, 2014

Creation and Genesis Lessons 25-28

Math: Fishing for Stars

Week 25

Abraham’s Call
Abraham and Lot
God’s Covenant with Abraham
·     Make a fort
·     Practice “sewing”
·     Assemble paper cupcakes (Volume Twenty-five )
·     Gen. 12
·     Gen. 13
·     Gen. 15
·     Play Red Light, Green Light
·     Print different patterns with pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Have the kids match the patterns with real coins.
·     Fish for stars with numbers on them.
·     “Father Abraham”
·     “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”
·     “Wheels on the Bus”
·     “Down By the Station”
·     “Peter and John Went to Pray”
·     “Silver and Gold”
·     “Grandpa’s Whiskers”
·     “This Old Man”
·     “Twinkle, Twinkle”
·     “This Little Light of Mine”
·     “Star Light, Start Bright”
·     “God is so Good”
·     “Goodnight Sweetheart”
·     Alphabet song
·     Make megaphones and have kids put their names on them with letter stickers
·     Books: Fancy Nancy’s Favorite Fancy Words, Big Words for Little People, Oh Say Can You Say?, Curious George Learns the Alphabet, Mr. Brown
·     Find the letters that spell “LEFT” and “RIGHT.”
·     Books: The Berenstain Bears Love Their Neighbors, Berenstain Bears and the Golden Rule, Me Too
·     Alphabet  book L worksheet
·     Books: Goodnight Moon, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, Watch the Stars Come Out
·     Make an obstacle course or cardboard maze and have the kids follow directions to get through it.
·     Make a row of squares with construction paper. Make a big left arrow and a big right arrow with the words “Left” and “Right” written on them.  Roll a dice and have the kids move that many spaces to the left. Repeat to the right, then to the left, etc. until someone reaches the end of the row or you get tired of the game.
·     Make a constellation flashlight from Handmade Charlotte
·      Paper plate banjo from Crafts for Kids Blog
·     Make a paper plate sheep from Housing a Forest
·     Make a star garland
Friday Field Trip: Planetarium

Science: Drawing Shapes in Salt

Week 26

Sodom & Gomorrah
Abraham and Isaac
Isaac & Rebekah
·     Cars
·     Stuffed Animals
·     Practice scissor skills
·     Gen. 19
·     Gen. 22
·     Gen. 24
·     Trace and color different shapes
·     Sort puffs into salt shaker and pepper shakers
·     Take a bundle of sticks. Count them and make shapes with them.
·     Use a spinner from Twister and have the kids place toy animals on the Twister mat.
·     “This is the Day”
·     “Mary Had a Little Lamb”
·     “Five Little Monkeys”
·     “Down By the Station”
·     “Father Abraham”
·     “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep”
·     “Five Little Ducks”
·     “Baby Mine”
·     “You are My Sunshine”
·     “I Love You a Bushel and a Peck”
·     “Goodnight Sweetheart”
·     “Jesus Loves Me”
·     Alphabet song
·     Spell “Salt” and “Pepper”
·     Books: Salty Seagull, Hudson Taylor: Could Somebody Pass the Salt?, Where Does Pepper Come From?
·     Put a picture of Little Bo Peep on the wall and have the kids put sheep in alphabetic order behind her.
·     Books: Mouton’s Impossible Dream, In the Sheepfold and the Pigpen
·     Alphabet  book M worksheet
·     Books: Raggedy Ann and Andy and the Camel with Wrinkled Knees, Is a Camel a Mammal
·     Draw shapes in a bowl full of salt
·      “Funnels, Tubes, and Salt” activity (Fun at Home with Kids)
·     Scoop up sheep (cotton balls) with a net.  Return them to their pen. Take turns putting them out to pasture. Collect them again.
·     Read I Wonder Why Camels Have Humps and have kids make their own camelbacks
·     Put colored salt in squeeze bottles and make salt art
·     Paint with cotton balls attached to clothespins.
·     Egg Carton Camel from She Knows
Friday Field Trip: Ice Cream Parlor

English: Alphabet Soup

Week 27

Jacob Tricks Esau
Jacob Steals Esau’s Blessing
Jacob’s Dream
·     Paint in a bag
·     Puppets
·     Pattern Blocks
·     Gen. 25
·     Gen. 27-28
·     Gen. 28
·     Make fake soup. Give the kids a recipe to follow and have them put the number of each plastic vegetable or other ingredient in a bowl.
·     Roll a big dice and graph which numbers are rolled on the board
·     Draw a ladder on a white board or large paper. Have the kids count as you move an angel move up each step.
·     Sort angels from smallest to largest
·     “Good Morning God”
·     “Apples and Bananas”
·     “Little Peter Rabbit”
·     “La, la, la, la Lemon”
·     “10 in the Bed”
·     “Five Little Monkeys”
·     “Are You Sleeping?”
·     “Swing Low”
·     “Jesus Love Me”
·     “The Wheels on the Bus”
·     “Who’s the King of Jungle?”
·     Alphabet song
·     Use a ladle to scoop plastic letters out of a big bowl. Say the letters and/or sounds as they are scooped.
·     Books: Stone Soup
·     Alphabet  book N worksheet
·     Books: Just Me and My Little Sister, Berenstain Bears’ New Baby
·     Put letter on clouds and tape them on the wall. Have kids climb up on a small stepping stool to reach the letters you ask for.
·     Books: Papa Please Get the Moon For Me, Goodnight Moon
·     Taste three different soups (chicken noodle, tomato, and chili). Vote on the best soup and graph the answers.
·     Have the kids close their eyes or wear a blindfold while you walk around their room and say a phrase like “Find me.” The kids should point in the direction they think they hear your voice. Let them take turns being the caller.
·     Get different sized bouncy balls and have the kids guess which balls will bounce the highest? Have someone stand on the small stool or a stable chair and drop each ball. Discuss their findings.
·     Make Mother’s Day Cans (Artsy Chicks Rule)
·     Decorate wrist bands with fake fur or yarn
·     Popsicle stick puzzles
Friday Field Trip: Tea Party

English: Tracing Names on Stars

Week 28

Jacob Marries Leah & Rachel
Joseph’s Dreams
Joseph Sold Into Slavery
·     Lincoln logs
·     Rip tissue paper
·     Play with toilet paper rolls
·     Gen. 29
·     Gen. 37
·     Gen. 37
·     Little Bo Peep Sheep sort from Spell Outloud

·     Hide the sun, moon, and 11 stars around the room. Write 1-11 on the board and have the kids line the stars up under the numbers as they find them.
·     Make a paper chain. Have the kids pick a color pattern before they start and try to follow it.
·     “Old MacDonald”
·     “Mary Had a Little Lamb”
·     “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep”
·     “God is So Good”
·     “Jack and Jill Went the Hill”
·     “Hush Little Baby”
·     “The Intsy Wintsy Spider”
·     “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”
·     “Are You Sleeping?”
·     “Mary Had a Little Lamb”
·     “Jesus Loves the Little Children”
·     “This Old Man”
·     Alphabet song
·     Farm Pack from Gift of Curiosity
·     Books: The Frog Prince, Cinderella
·     Have the kids trace the letters in their names on stars
·     Books:  Goodnight Moon, Papa Please Get the Moon, The Stars by H.A. Rey
·     Alphabet  book O worksheet
·     Books: Llama, Llama and the Bully Goat, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Scapegoat: The Story of a Goat Named Oat and a Chewed-up Coat
·     Coin trick (All for the Boys)
·     Use a little dipper to pour water over cups to make a layered water fall outside or in the tub. Can the kids guess which way the water will fall from object to object? Can they change the flow?
·     Fill a pitcher of water to different levels (or have several pitchers ready) and drop different items in the water.  How high is each splash? Do the objects sound different in different depths of water?
·     Two-sided mask of Rachel and Leah
·     Papa, Please Get the Moon craft from Mrs. Karen’s Class

·     Make a Joseph puppet out of a paper bag. Let the kids decorate his coat with scraps of paper.

Friday Field Trip: Green House

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