Monday, July 21, 2014

Creation Lessons: Weeks 1-4

Creation Lessons 

   ...and some tips for saving money

Alphabet Workbook

   I like to have a visual element for every Bible lesson. This can either be an object that goes along with the story (a stuffed lion or lamb) or an old-fashioned flannel graph. Flannel graph sets can be very expensive, though. I am planning on laminating pictures from the stories then attaching Velcro to the backs of the pictures. That way the kids can see and touch pictures as I tell the story, and I won't spend hundreds of dollars. I'll make my own background by wrapping flannel around a large presentation board.

   Another element from these lessons that could get expensive quickly is the book list. I tried to suggest 2-3 books for each daily lesson. Please don't feel that you have to buy every book on the list or even that each day's reading has to match the lesson. If you have some of these books on hand, great. If you can find similar titles at the library, great. If you read Hungry Caterpillar every day for two weeks because your toddler loves it, great! I'm simply trying to develop the habit of reading. 

    To make reading time as cozy and enjoyable as possible, I am going to create a reading corner tent by draping tulle over a suspended hula hoop and draping twinkle lights all around. We'll also add several comfy pillows.  I hope you'll share some of your ideas for a school area or reading nook. 

Craft: Sidewalk Chalk

Week 1

Day 1 of Creation: Light
Day 1 of Creation: Day & Night
Day 2 Creation: Waters Separated
·     Play Dough
·     Puzzles
·     Use a sponge or baster to move water from one bowl to another
·     Use flannel graph and the following verses:
   o   Gen. 1:3-4
   o   Ps. 118:24
   o   John 8:12
   o   Place a picture on our Days of    Creation timeline
·     Use flannel graph and the following verses:
o   Gen. 1:4-5
o   Ps. 4:8
     Ps. 5:3

·     Use flannel graph and the following verses:
   o   Gen. 1:6-8

·     Counting fireflies in a jar (possibly toys that glow?)
·     Running on the number mat while counting to ten (we have foam number squares, but you could tape numbers on the wall and have kids count as they run past each number)
·     Egg Hunt: The kids hunt for eggs then count the different colors
·     White and Black numbers
·     Separate the “waters.” Have the children sort clouds (cotton balls) and waves (paper cutouts). They can do this at the table or run to opposite sides of the room. Count the clouds and waves when finished.
·     “Good Morning God”
·     “This is the Day”
·     “This Little Light of Mine”
·     “God is so Good”
·     “Good Morning God”
·     “This is the Day”
·     “This Little Light of Mine”
·     “Shine” by Raffi
·     “Goodnight Sweetheart”
·     “The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock”
·     “It’s Raining; It’s Pouring”
·     “Deep and Wide”
·     “I’ve Got a River of Life”
·     “The Itsy Bitsy Spider”
·     “I’ve Got Joy Like a Fountain”
·     Sing alphabet song
·     Find the letters in “LIGHT”
·     Books: Oscar and the Moth, On a Beam of Light
·     Sing alphabet song
·     Find the letters in “DAY” and “NIGHT”
·     Books: A Good Day for Up, Wake-Up Kisses
·     Sing the alphabet song
·     Books: Storm is Coming, Mouton’s Adventure
·     Use flashlights and cards with cutouts to create shadows of shapes on the wall
·     Go outside and trace our shadows
·     Nocturnal vs. Diurnal animals
·     Go outside and play with water table
·     Continue playing with sidewalk chalk (draw shapes and/or count, discuss the colors of the chalk)
·     OR use crystals to refract light and make a rainbow collage with tissue paper
·     Make an owl with feathers
·     or match moon shapes and sun/circle shapes
·     Use water colors to paint a picture

Friday Field Trip: Water Pad!

Science: Compare Flowers

Week 2

Day 3 of Creation: Land
Day 3: Vegetation (seeds)
Day 3: Vegetation (flowers)
·     Paint Doppers
·     Play with blocks
·     Play Dough
·     Use flannel graph and the following verses:
                o  Gen. 1:9-10
·     Use flannel graph and the following verses:
 o  Gen. 1:11-12
 o  Tell the story of the farmer from Matt. 13
·     Look at real flowers and discuss the following verse:
o  Luke 12:27-28
·     Develop a sense of size and special reasoning by sorting dirt and rocks with a sifter and funnel. (Maybe second to last, before mud experiments)
·     Sort Seeds
·     Count Seeds
·     Go outside and play hopscotch or write numbers in circles with sidewalk chalk as high as the kids will count with you
·     Number order puzzle flower
·     Sunflower Counting Handout
·     “Good Morning God”
·     “This is the Day”
·     “This Land is My Land”
·     “The Farmer in the Dell”
·     “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands”
·     “The Farmer in the Dell”
·     “All Around the Mulberry Bush”
·     “Old MacDonald”
·     “God is So Good”
·     “This is the Day”
·     “Mary, Mary Quite Contrary”
·     “My God is Big”
·     “Don’t Worry”
·     Sing the alphabet song
·     Make a binder for alphabet worksheets.  Put them in sheet protectors in binder for each kid. Then they can use dry erase markers and wipe clean after each day’s assignment.  I like the worksheets from Spell Outloud. They have Pictures to color and a poem to go with each letter.  Day 1 work on A.
·     Books: Mike Mulligan Steam Shovel, Curious George and the Dinosaur,  This Land is Your Land*
·     Sing the alphabet song
·     Alphabet binder C worksheet
·     Books: Johnny Appleseed, Ten Apples Up on Top, Hungry Caterpillar, Apple Picking Time
·     Sing the alphabet song
·     Alphabet binder D worksheet
·     Books: Jack’s Garden, How Does Your Garden Grow, Planting a Rainbow
·     Discover the different types of mud we can make by adding different amounts of water (Do this last!)
·     Plant bean seeds
·     Look at 4 or 5 different flowers and compare the common elements (stem, leaves, petals, seeds)
·     Give kids Part of a Flower handout
·     Sand Art (in a plastic container)
·     Create bean collage
·     Look at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers and discuss
·     Have kids paint with sunflowers as the brush/sponge
Friday Field Trip: Park

Week 3

Day 3: Vegetation (food-grains)
Day 3: Vegetation (food-veggies)
Day 3: Vegetation (food-fruit)
·     Puzzles
·     Sorting puff balls
·     Cars
·     Use props (fish, loaves, basket) and the following verses:
 o  Tell the story of Jesus multiplying the fish and the loaves from Mark 6
·     Use flannel graph and the following verses:
o  Gen. 1:11-12
o  Matt. 7:20
o  Matt. 12:33,35
·     Measure the ingredients to make homemade bread
·     Clothespin pumpkin counting activities
·   Write numbers on pumpkins and have kids put the correct number of clothespins on each pumpkin
·     Count the seeds in an apple

·     “Good Morning God”
·     “Rise and Shine”
·     “The Farmer in the Dell”
·     “BINGO”
·      “If you’re Happy and you Know it”
·     “The Wheels on the Bus”
·     “Apples and Bananas” by Raffi
·       “Our God is so Big”
·     Bread and Fish Crackers
·     Veggies
·     Pumpkin puppy chow (Cup of Cake recipe)
·     Give the kids 3 different types of apples to try and have them vote for which one they like best
·     Sing the alphabet song
·     Alphabet Binder H worksheet
·     Books:  The Little Red Hen; Bun, Onion, Burger
·     Sing the alphabet song
·     Vegetable Coloring Page/Copywork from Mama’s Learning Corner
·     Books: Stone Soup, The Carrot Seed
·     Sing the alphabet song
·     Books: Ten Apples up on Top, Apple Pie Tree
·     Apple Printables from 3 Dinosaurs

·     Grind wheat into flour
·     Measure a pumpkin
·     Use a paper pumpkin and see how many pumpkins tall each kid is
·     Use a scale to measure a pumpkin and each kid. Who weighs more?
·     Have students answer sensory questions about fruit (What does it look like? Feel like? Smell like? Taste like?) . Bananas, berries, lemons, limes
·     Bread tag monsters from Inner Child Fun

·     Make faces out of vegetables on a plate (sprouts for hair, cut up carrots, zucchini, etc.)
·     Make apple pie

Friday Field Trip: Orchard

Week 4

Day 3: Vegetation (fruit cont.)
Day 3: Vegetation (trees, conifer)
Day 3: Vegetation (trees, deciduous)
·     Dress Up
·     Play Dough
·     Blocks
·     Gal. 5:22-23
·     Use a miniature Christmas tree to as a hands-on attention grabber.
·     Luke 23:33

  ·     Psalm 1:1-3
·     Sort and count lemons and limes.
·     Use pine needles to make numbers and/or use do-a-dot markers to “color” numbers
·     Put maple leaves on a tree. Tell kids we need __ number of leaves and have them take turns putting them on the tree.
·     “This is the Day”
·     “La, La, La, La, Lemon”
·     “Apples and Bananas”
·     “Jesus Loves Me”
·     “This is the Day”
·     “Oh Christmas Tree”
·     “I’m a Nut”
·     “I’m a Nut”
·     “He’s Got the Whole World in his Hands”
·     “London Bridge is Falling Down”

·     Sing the Alphabet song
·     Find the L’s for “Lime” and “Lemon” & talk about the “L” sound
·     Books: Blueberries for Sal, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
·     Sing the Alphabet song
·     Alphabet Binder I worksheet
·     Books: Tale of Three Trees
·     Sing the Alphabet song
·     Alphabet Binder J worksheet
·     Books: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, The Giving Tree
·     Make lemonade and discuss sweet versus sour tastes.
·     Show kids pine branches and discuss the characteristics of pine trees (color, smell, feel), possibly with magnifying glasses
·     Discuss how tall trees are in feet
·     Compare pine needles and maple leaves. Look at pictures and identify the conifer/deciduous trees
·     Cut lemons and limes in half and have the kids use the fruit to color with yellow and green paint
·     Make bird feeders with pine cones
·     Make leaf art (animals: wolf, hedgehog, owls, etc.) Need: leaves, glue, googly eyes.

Friday Field Trip: Arboretum or Park (Do tree rubbings)

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