Monday, July 28, 2014

Creation Lessons 5-8

Science: Sun Dial

Week 5

Day 5 of Creation: Sun
Day 5 of Creation: Moon
Day 5 of Creation: Stars
·     Pipe Cleaners
·     Paint
·     Rice sensory bins
·     Use flannel graph and the following verses: Gen. 1:16a
·     Use flannel graph and the following verses: Gen. 1:16
·     Use flannel graph and the following verses: Gen. 1:16-17
·     Make paper plate suns while discussing shapes (circles and triangles) and colors (red, orange, and yellow)
·     Make a rocket ship out of cardboard boxes and practice counting backwards from 10.
·     Give the kids stars with numbers 1-20 written on them and have them place them in the right order.
·     “Good Morning God”
·     “This is the Day”
·     “You are my sunshine”
·     “Oh Mr. Sun, Sun”
·     “This Little Light of Mine”
·     “This Little Light of Mine”
·     “I see the Moon”
·     “Goodnight Sweetheart”

·     “Twinkle, Twinkle”
·     “This Little Light of Mine”
·     “Star Light, Start Bright”
·     “God is so Good”
·     “Goodnight Sweetheart”
·     Sing the alphabet song
·     Find the letters for “SUN”
·     Books: How Does Your Garden Grow?, Day Light Night Light
·     Sing the alphabet song
·     Alphabet Binder K worksheet
·     Books: Goodnight Moon, Beach Day, Dance by the Light of the Moon, By the Light of the Moon, Moon Lake
·     Sing the alphabet song
·     Fish for cutout stars with paper clips using a magnet hooked to a homemade fishing pole. Write letters on the stars and ask kids to catch specific stars. (
·     Books: Constellations book
·     Make a sun dial
·     Play with Jack’s moon lamp and talk about the moon’s phases
·     Play star hide and seek. Take turns hiding a star in different places in the room and finding it. Talk about how stars are actually very big and very bright, but how they appear small because we are so far away.
·     Use chalk outside to draw suns
·     Make moon mobiles with small paper plates or moon shaped paper cutouts and glitter
·     Use a star stamp and silver ink to make a picture on black paper
Friday Field Trip: Park with a sun dial

Intro Activity

Week 6

Day 5 of Creation: Fish
Day 5 of Creation: Fish (Whales)
Day 5 of Creation (Crabs)
·     Fish puzzle
·     Move water with sponges and basters from one bowl to another
·     Puff balls
·     Gen. 1:20
·     Gen. 1:21
·     Gen. 1:22
·     Goldfish Fun activity from
·     Whale Worksheet from Kidzone

·     Beach Grid Game  from PreKinders
Supplies: Shells & Dice
·     “Three Little Fishies”
·     “1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Once I Caught a Fish Alive”
·     Fishy Pokey:
“Put your left fin in, take your left fin out / You do the fishy pokey and you turn yourself around that's what its all about /Put your right gill in, take your right gill out (etc.)” (from Everything
·     “Baby Beluga”
·     “Jesus Loves the Little Children”
·     “Fishy Pokey”
·     “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean”
·     “My Crab Song by chicky-ma-ma-ma sung to ‘It’s a Small World’: I’m a small crab in the sea. I’m as red as I can e. I have 6 legs as you can see. I’m a small red crab.” (
·     Knot 8 streamers to make an octopus hat and dance around. (
·      “Down by the Baby”
·     Fruit Fish from Canadian Family
·     Crab Sandwiches from Catch My Party
·     The alphabet song
·     Alphabet Binder M worksheet
·     Books: Curious George at the Aquarium,  The Teeny Weeny Tadpole, One Fish Two Fish, The Fisherman and His Wife
·     The alphabet song
·     Books: Commotion in the Ocean,  A Day at the Seashore, Big Shark’s Lost Tooth, Baby Beluga
·     Poems: “It Makes a Change” from Leave Your Sleep
·     Sing the alphabet song
·     Alphabet Binder N worksheet
·     Books: Clumsy Crab, There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Shell, A House For Hermit Crab
·     Use two bowls, one with fresh water and one with salt water. The kids can even add the salt. Use pictures of different fresh or salt water fish and discuss fish habitats.
·     Wave Bottles from Kinder Kids.
·     Look at shells and discuss the animals that live in them. Have the kids make their own shell homes with cardboard boxes.
·     Use bubble wrap to paint scales on a paper fish
·     Make a mosaic using broken or whole shells
·     Paper Plate Crabs from
Friday Field Trip: Fish Farm

English: Story Time

Week 7

Day 5 of Creation: Birds
Day 5: Birds (Owls)
Day 5: Birds (Ducks)
·     Make nests from sticks, leaves, etc.
·     Dress up
·     Stickers
·     Mt. 10:29-31
·     Gen. 1:24
·     Gen. 1:25
·      Predict, Measure, and Pour activity  from Familylicious
Supplies: Bird seed, containers, funnel, measuring cups
·     Print pictures of owls with numbers  and have the kids tape the matching number of feathers to each owl
·     Ducks in the pond activity from Pre-K Pages
·     “Good Morning God”
·     “Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree”
·     “The Tiki Room”
·     “This Old Man”
·     “Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree”
·     “Our God is so Big”
·     “God is so Good”
·     “Jesus Loves the Little Children”
·     “Five Little Ducks”
·     “This is the Day”
·     “He’s Got the Whole World”
·     “If You’re Happy and You Know It”
·     Sing the alphabet song
·     Alphabet binder Q worksheet (F is for Feathers)
·     Books: DK Bird, Counting Birds, Crow Call, How Does Your Garden Grow, Feathers for Lunch
·     Sing the alphabet song
·     Books: Owl Howl, Wake-Up Kisses, Mr. Brown Can Moo!, Goodnight Owl, Owl Babies, Hey Daddy Animal Fathers and Their Babies
·     Alphabet binder O worksheet (O is for Owl)
·     Sing the alphabet song
·     Books: Make Way for Ducklings, Duck on a Bike, Little Quack’s New Friend, Little Quack’s Hide and Seek,  Come Along Daisy, Hushabye Lily, Celestine Drama Queen 
·     Alphabet binder D worksheet (D is for Duck)
·     Oscar and Bird a Book About Electricity
·     Make Owl Howlers from Reading Confetti
·     Sink/Float Activity from HS Printables
·     Paint eggs
·     Owl Coloring Page from HS Printables
·     Duck Craft from HS Printables
Friday Field Trip: Duck pond

Intro Activity

Week 8

Day 6 of Creation: Animals (Chicken)
Day 6 of Creation: Mammal (Cows)
Day 6 of Creation: Mammal (Sheep)
·     Play with toy animals
·     Puppets
·     Pattern blocks
·     Mt. 23:37
·     Pharaoh’s dream about the cows from Gen. 41
·     23rd Psalm
·     Plastic egg hunt. Count and sort the eggs by color.
·     Print cows in different sizes and colors. Have the kids arrange them from smallest to largest and by color
·     Cut strands of yarn and compare lengths
·     Make a rainbow with the strings
·     “Old MacDonald”
·     “The Farmer in the Dell”
·     “Tiki Room”
·     “Jesus Loves the Little children”
·     “BINGO”
·     “The Farmer in the Dell”
·     “One Dark Night When We Were All in Bed”
·     “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”
·     “Old MacDonald”
·     “Mary Had a Little Lamb”
·     “Bah, Bah, Black Sheep”
·     “God is So Good”
·     Hard-boiled eggs
·     Sing the alphabet song
·     Alphabet binder R worksheet
·     Books: Baby Farm Animals, Going to Sleep on the Farm, Bear in the Barnyard, Big Red Barn
·     Sing the alphabet song
·     Alphabet binder S worksheet
·     Books: Farm Life, Storm is Coming
·     Sing the alphabet song
·     Alphabet binder T worksheet
·     Books: Mouton’s Impossible Dream, In the Sheepfold and the Pigpen
·     Make a big next out of pillows and/or blankets. Have the kids take turns sitting on the next and collecting eggs. The “chicken” gets to decide how many eggs to place in the nest. The other kids get to guess how many eggs they will find.
·      Milk a Cow from The Inspired Treehouse
Supplies: rubber gloves
·     Practice “sewing” with shoelaces
·     Chicken windsock from Buggy and Buddy
·     Peek-a-boo Farm from Buggy and Buddy
·     Make cotton ball sheep
Friday Field Trip: Farm or yarn shop

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