Sunday, August 3, 2014

Creation Lessons 9-12

Science: Bear Cave


Week 9

Day 6 of Creation: Mammal (Monkeys)
Day 6 of Creation: Mammal (Bears)
Day 6: Mammal (Lions)
·     Barrel of Monkeys
·     Puzzles
·     Beads
·     Gen. 1:30
·     1 Sam. 17:37
·     Daniel in the lion’s den from Daniel 6
·     Gorilla sizes worksheet by Spell Outloud
·     Act out the story of the three little bears
·     Lion mini puzzle by Spell Outloud
·     “Five Little Monkeys”
·     “Sing a Song”
·     “Who’s the King of the Jungle”
·     “Our God is so Big”
·     “The Other Day I Saw a Bear”
·     “Who Built the Ark?”
·     “Who’s the King of the Jungle”
·     “Teddy Bears Picnic”
·     “This Old Man”
·     “This is the Day”
·     “Jesus Loves the Little Children”
·     “My God is so Big”
·     Alphabet Song
·     Alphabet Binder G Worksheet (G is for Gorilla)
·     Books: Five Little Monkeys, At the Zoo: A Lift-the-Flap Shadow Book, Curious George Visits the Zoo, Little Gorilla
·     Alphabet Binder P Worksheet (P is for Panda)
·     Books: Hibernation Station, Blueberries for Sal, Brown Bear Brown Bear, Going on a Bear Hunt, What the Grizzly Knows
·     Poems: “The Dancing Bear” from Leave Your Sleep
·     Alphabet Binder L worksheet  (L is for Lion)
·     Books: The Loudest Lion, Daniel in the Lions’ Den, At the Zoo: A Lift-the-Flap Shadow Book, Roar!, My Heart is Like a Zoo We’re Going on a Lion Hunt
·     Twister (act like monkeys and identify colors)
·     Make a cave blanket fort and collect things we will need for hibernation. Discuss what bears and other animals do to hibernate as well
·     Follow paw prints to different stations, each with a fact about lions from Science Kids
·     Gorilla Foot
·     Paper Roll Squirrels from That Artist Woman
·     Lion coloring page from HS Printables or
·     Lion paper plate with yarn for mane

Friday Field Trip: Zoo

Craft: R is for Rabbit

Week 10

Day 6 of Creation: Bunnies
                   Day 6: Horses
Day 6: Cats & Dogs
·     Dress up
·     Play Dough
·     Blocks
·     Ps. 104:24
·     Show the kids a toy horse
·     Ps. 20:7
·      Show the kids a stuffed dog
·      Mt. 15:25-28
·     Little Rabbit Printables (clothespin counting cards, where’s the rabbit) from Homeschool Creations
·     Shape Shadow Matching Game from Mamas Learning Corner
·     Roll and Color Cat from Little Miss Htpothesis
·     Dog and/or Cat Printables from Homeschool Creations
·     “Little Peter Rabbit”
·     “Little Bunny Foo Foo”
·     “This Old Man”
·     “Jesus Love Me”
·     “Camptown Races”
·     “She’ll Be Coming Round the Mt.”
·     “Old McDonald”
·     “God is so Good”
·     “Good Morning God”
·     “In the Wet”
·     “The Cat Came Back”
·     “BINGO”
·     Rabbit food: carrots and lettuce
·     Alphabet Song
·     Little Rabbit Printables (beginning sound, word tracer) from Homeschool Creations
·     Books: Runaway Bunny, On the Farm, Peter Rabbit, Velveteen Rabbit, Little Rabbit
·     Poem: “Equestrienne” Leave Your Sleep
·     Books: Robert the Rose Horse, Cowboy Small
·     Alphabet binder U worksheet
·     Books: Would you Rather by Dr. Seuss, Curious George and the Puppies, Where’s Spot, If you Give a Cat a Cupcake, Three Little Kittens, Harry the Dirty Dog
·     Rabbit Hop activity from ehow
·     Play Red Light Green Light using horse gaits (walk, trot, gallop)
·     Act like cats: meow, sleep, hunt, crawl, jump, and purr. Drink milk out of a saucer.
·     Glue cotton balls and ears onto a paper R to make a rabbit 
·     Decorate Horseshoes
·     Make a cat mask or whiskers for the science activity.
Friday Field Trip: Pet Store

Craft: Butterfly Wings

Week 11

Day 6 of Creation: Insects (Caterpillar)
Day 6 of Creation: Insects (Bees & Ladybugs)
Day 6 of Creation: Insects (Spider)
·     Bean bag toss
·     Sort Puff Balls
·     Thanksgiving Craft/Activity
·     Ps. 50:11
·      Ps. 19:10-11
·     Job 8:13-15
·       Bug Number Writing from Free Homeschool Deals

·        Bee Number Cards from HS Printables

·     Clothes Pin Spider Leg Counting from Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas
·     “Good Morning God”
·     “Bullfrogs & Butterflies”
·     “There’s a spider on the floor”
·     “There Was an Old Lady”
·     “Ladybug Picnic”
·     “Fiddle Dee Dee, the Fly Has Married the Bumblebee”
·     “This Old Man”
·     “He’s Got the Whole World”
·     “The intsy weensy spider”
·     “There’s a spider on the floor”
·     “There was an Old Lady”
·     “Our God is so Big”
·     Honey sticks or honeycomb cereal or honey sandwiches
·     Alphabet Song
·     Alphabet binder B worksheet (B is for Bugs)
·     Books: Hungry Caterpillar, Bug Sarafri,  Bugs Bugs Bugs!, Waiting for Wings
·     Books: Ladybugs Red Fiery and Bright, How Does Your Garden Grow?,  Lots of Ladybugs, Ugh and Bug, Firefly Mountain
·     Poems: “How Doth the Little Bee” by Isaac Watts, “The Bee” by Emily Dickinson
·     Make a Tape Spider web and throw wadded up paper with letters on it from Hands On As We Grow
·     Books: I Love Bugs!, There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly, The Very Busy Spider
·     Use nets and go on a butterfly hunt.  Discuss the stages of butterflies with pictures.
·     Examine a piece of honeycomb
·     Pollination Science Lesson w/ Cheetos from Little Kinder Warriors

·     Play the Spider Web Game from Teach Preschool
Supplies: Pipe cleaner spiders, string, cookie sheet(s), and strong magnet wands
·      Egg carton caterpillars or
·      Put streamers on two paint sticks for butterfly wings.
·     Bee Kind Coloring page from Totally Tots
·   Fold strips of yellow construction paper into octagons and tape or glue  them together to make a honeycomb
·     Make spiders plates with pipe cleaner legs or
·     Make bug hats

Friday Field Trip: Sky High Sports

Math or English: Find the Sticky Note Game

Week 12

Creation Day 6: Mankind (Body Intro)
Creation Day 6: Mankind (Sight)
Creation Day 6: Mankind (Hearing)
·     Letter magnets
·     Sort coins
·     Puzzles
·     Gen. 1:26
·     Ps. 139:13
·     Ps. 17:8
·     Ps. 34:4-5
·     John 10:27
·     Prov. 1:5
·     Act out Samuel’s call in 1 Samuel 3.
·     Pretend they got to design the first humans. Give them a body and have them pick how many heads, arms, legs, eyes, etc. they would add. You might have a few wings, horns, spots, etc. available as well. Finally, let the kids color their creative versions. Discuss why they made their specific choices.
·     Collect things that come in pairs (shoes, pant legs, glasses, etc.)
·     Make monsters w/ pairs of eyes (practice counting by twos)

·     Place sticky notes with 1-20 on the wall. Have kids listen to what number you call out then swat the matching sticky note on the wall. Older kids could listen then write the number. 
·     “Hokey Pokey”
·      “Fingers and Toes”
·     “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”
·     “Jesus Love Me”
·     “No One Like You” by John Denver
·     “I’ve Got a River of Life”
·     “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”
·     “I See the Moon”
·     “I Saw the Light”
·     “I’m a Little Striped Skunk”
·     “Do You Hear What I Hear”
·     “If You’re Happy and You Know It”
·     “Jesus Loves the Little Children”
·     Alphabet Song
·     Alphabet binder X worksheet
·     Books: Eyes, Nose, Fingers, and Toes; Here are My Hands*; Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes*; You Are Special board book*
·     Books: The Eye Book by Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut, Amy Charmichael: Can Brown Eyes Be Made Blue?*
·     Poems: “Winter Eyes” Winter Eyes by Douglas Florian
·     Alphabet binder Y worksheet
·     Books: My Five Senses, Mr. Brown Can Moo, Magic School Bus Explores the Senses*, The Ear Books by Al Perkins*
·     Use shoe laces and laminated pictures of kids with holes punched around the edges to practice sewing/coordination skills. Discuss how God made and loves everyone.
·     Play I Spy or read I Spy books
·     Give the kids cheap glasses to play with and discuss why some people wear glasses
·     Put different objects in a box (bells, rocks, bouncy balls, etc.) and have the kids guess what it is by the sound it makes when shaken.
·     Have the kids try to identify different recorded sounds
·     Trace body outlines on butcher paper and let the kids decorate them. Hang them on the wall to use in following lessons
·     Make toilet paper roll glasses or
·     Decorate a spy glass (a.k.a. paper towel tube)

·     Make a tin can telephone

Friday Field Trip: Music Store or Kids Concert

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