Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Creation Lessons 17-20

Math: Grouping Balloons by Size and Color

Week 17

Day 6: Mankind (Skeletal System)
Day 6: Mankind (Nervous System)
Day 6: Mankind (Respiratory System)
·     Letter magnets
·     Cars
·     Sort puffs
·     Prov. 3:7-9
·     Psalm 73:23
·     Gen. 2:7
·     Make a dig it up worksheet like Mrs. Lee’s Kindergarten blog
The kids count pieces of different colored pipe cleaner and write how many “bones” there are in each color.
·     Touch and Feel Numbers from No Time for Flashcards
Supplies: Construction paper, double-stick tape, felt, sticky back sparkly foam, regular sticky back foam, emery boards or sand paper, contact paper
·      Put strings on the wall that look like a bunch of balloons should be floating on top. Have the kids attach construction paper balloons and count them or sort them by color.
·     “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”
·     “The Skeleton Dance”
·     “Jumping Up and Down”
·     “Fingers and Toes”
·     “There Were Five in the Bed”
·     “Where is Thumbkin”
·     “Looby Loo”
·     “Father Abraham”
·     “Blustery Day”
·     “Sing”
·     “Stand Up and Shout It”
·     “Rock-a-Bye Baby”
·     Alphabet song
·     Let the kids pick a bone with a letter on it and practice saying the sound(s) that letter makes
·     Books: Look Inside Your Body, Georgia’s Bones
·     Alphabet sensory play (magnetic alphabet search in rice) from Pre-K Pages
·     Books: Wemberly Worries, Daddy Hugs, Mommy Hugs
·     Find the letters that spell “BALLOON” and “AIR” from of letters written on balloons.
·     Books: The Three Little Pigs, Curious George, Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day, Mouton’s Impossible Dream
·     Assemble the skeleton puzzle from Chipman’s Corner Preschool
·     Have the kids look at objects and guess what they will feel like, then describe how they actually felt.
·     Construct a lung from a plastic bottle and balloons
·     Use q-tips and black construction paper to make x-ray pictures
·     Finger Paint
·     Make hot air balloons
Friday Field Trip: Kids’ Museum

Science: Food Collage
Week 18

Day 6: Mankind (Digestive System)
Creation Day 6: Mankind (Teeth)
Day 7: Mankind (Healthy Choices)
·     Move objects with tweezers or tongs into different containers
·     Practice scissor skills
·     Cardboard house or box activity
·     Prov. 30:8
·     Song of Songs 6:6
·     1 Tim. 4:7-8 
·     Put numbers on plastic hamburger toys and have the kids put the hamburger together in the right order (1=bottom bun, 2=meat, 3=cheese, 4=lettuce, 5 top bun). If you don’t have hamburger or pizza, print and laminate pictures of the different components.
·     Assemble paper cupcakes from Volume 25
·     Print a picture of a mouth then roll the dice to see how many teeth (white paper squares) to glue/tape in.
·     Count while doing 10 sit ups, pull ups, crab steps, bear steps, jumping jacks, crunches, seconds of stretching
·     Take turns placing toy animals on different colored squares around the room.
·     My Bodyworks book with songs
·     “There Was an Old Lady”
·     “Apples and Bananas” by Raffi
·     “5 Green and Speckled Frogs”
·     “We Brush Our Teeth” by Raffi
·     “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush”
·     “This Old Man”
·     “There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Spider”
·     “Apples and Bananas”
·     “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”
·     “Jumping Up and Down”
·     “Looby Loo”
·     Alphabet Song
·     Find the letters in “Bones”
·     Books: Bun, Onion, Burger; Harry Hungry; What Happens to a Hamburger; Magic School Bus Inside the Human Body; Everyone Poops
·     Make a big alligator mouth and feed it letters.
·     Books: Mrs. Watson Wants Your Teeth; Big Shark’s Lost Tooth; Brush, Brush, Brush; The Tooth Book by Dr. Seuss
·     Alphabet workbook F worksheet
·     Books: Junk Food, Llama Llama Wakey- Wake, Eating the Alphabet
·     Have students make a collage of food pictures cut out of a magazine.  Explain that our bodies convert food into energy.
·     Brush hard boiled eggs that have been soaked in soda or juice (Team Johnson)

·     Sort pictures of food into healthy basket and junk food basket
·     Make a list of other healthy habits (exercise, brushing our teeth, going to the doctor, praying, taking baths)
·     Make a balloon propelled car. Explain that food fuels us in the same way that gas fuels cars.
·     Make large teeth out of liter bottles and white paint from Everything Preschool

·     Make a collage of healthy foods
Friday Field Trip: Play area at the mall

Week 19

Creation Day 6: Mankind  (Emotions)
Day 6: Mankind  (Family: Parents)
Day 6: Mankind  (Family: Siblings)
·     Faces puzzle (match different eyes, noses, and mouths)
·     Thread pipe cleaners through a colander
·     Stack plastic cups
·     Ps. 33:3
·     Eph. 6:1
·     Prov. 17:17
·     Running number mat
·     Play hopscotch with number mats
·      Use fly swatters to hit the numbers on the wall
·     Make a number 1 poster. Put small objects in groups of one poaster. Place hula hoops around the room and have the students place one object in each
·     Count the beads on an abacus
·     Make a number 2 poster. Put small objects in groups of two on the poster. Place boxes around the room and have the students place two objects in each.
·     Sort beads by color
·     “If You’re Happy and You Know It”
·     “Down in My Heart”
·     “I’ve Got Joy like a Fountain”
·     “Baby Mine”
·     “Father, I Adore You”
·     “Skidamarink”
·     “Michael, Row Your Boat Ashore”
·     “Hush Little Baby”
·     “10 in the Bed”
·     “Five Little Monkeys”
·     “Are You Sleeping?”
·     Alphabet song
·     Trace letters with our fingers in a shallow container with sand
·     Books: I Was So Mad, Wemberly Worried, I Can Read with my Eyes Shut,  I am a Rainbow Today I Feel Silly, Duck and Goose How are You Feeling, Pigeon Has Feelings Too
·     Alphabet book G worksheet
·     Books: Just Me and My Mom, Just Me and My Dad, Hop on Pop, Are You My Mother?
·     Take turns drawing letters out of a container and saying the sound it makes
·     Books: Just Me and My Little Sister, Berenstain Bears’ New Baby
·     Identify pictures of people showing different emotions
·     Act out different emotions (sad, mad, glad, worried, afraid, tired, silly surprised)
·     Talk about how penguins keep their eggs on their feet. Play a relay game with eggs (soccer or footballs).
·     Talk about babies, litters, and eggs. How many babies does a cow have? Does a dog have? Does a bird have?
·     Mr. Prinatables Emotions Face

·     Read How Artists See Families and have the kids draw a picture of their family or make a collage from magazines
·     Make the Crafts by Amanda cardboard tube bunny family

Friday Field Trip: Mini-Golf

Week 20

Creation Day 6: Mankind  (Family: Extended)
Creation Day 6: Mankind  (Friends)
Day 6: Mankind  (Imagination)
·     Stickers
·     Dry Erase Boards
·     Tracing
·     Gen. 15:5
·     Prov. 18:24
·     Gen. 1:1
·     Make a number 3 poster. Put small objects in groups of three on the poster. Place boxes around the room and have the students place three objects in each.
·     Fish for stars with numbers on them
·     Make a number 4 poster. Put small objects in groups of four on the poster. Place containers around the room and have the students place four objects in each.
·     Make a number 5 poster. Put small objects in groups of five on the poster. Place containers around the room and have the students place five objects in each.
·     Match shapes in a sequence (square, square, circle, triangle, etc.)
·     “Over the River and Through the Woods”
·     “This Old Man”
·     “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”
·     “Grandpa’ s Whiskers”
·     “Grandma’s Glasses”
·     “I Can Be Your Friend”
·     “The More We Get Together”
·     “The Muffin Man”
·     “Make New Friends and Keep the Old”
·     “Sing”
·     “Aiken Drum”
·      “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”
·     “Willoughby Wallaby Woo” by Raffi
·     Alphabet song
·     Write letters to grandparents
·     Books: Little Critter Little Red Riding Hood; Grandma, Grandpa, and Me
·     Alphabet book H worksheet
·     Books: Z is for Moose
·     Pre-writing activity: trace lines that are straight, zig-zag, and curvy
·     Books:  The Frog Prince (or any fairy tale), Curious George, Roxaboxen, The Quiltmakers Gift, Pretend
·     Make a family tree
·     Creation Game from mpmsupplies
·     Do imaginative play (store, dress up, pretend to be animals)
·     Color a picture to send with the letters to grandparents
·     Z is zebra craft from Crystal and Co.

·     Give the kids a blank paper with a frame around the edges and a few art supplies. Let them create whatever they want.

Friday Field Trip: Art Museum

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